Monday, October 29, 2012

Someone once told me to have courage to face the mundane, and all my gods have merged into the mundane, I can't see a boundary, so this begs writing. I know this seems a tad.. presumptuous, but here we go ..

Others link links and link blogs and all that jazz..
I simply (with the help of some friends.. shall talk about it 1 day) use the old, tried and tested, friendly and 100 percent durable, reward exchange program..
It's simple.
Links don't matter, if they don't matter to you .

a keyboardish musical treat

I: Helloz ..
god: Hello hello .. w'sup !
I: Like, do you always do that ? Raise your hand in the morning to make the sun rise ?
god: Ya. Its a habit and I'm not sure what would happen if I didn't but why risk it ?
I: Try ! ('i wonder what would happen if' philosophy ... kills cats)
god: OK
Next day all is dark and all hell has broken loose and all that jazz ...

I: Hmm. Perhaps its best you raised your hand.
god: yes yes.. *looks sarcastic*

(title unknown)

On Shrinks:
Shrinks are the most amazing people in the universe. Everything the patient says can be repeated back, with an "is it" appended. It makes for most interesting therapy. (for the shrink.. )

The truth - the stars can c you (c = 186000 m/s for now)

Here's a truth. The sun rises everyday and each day is a new beginning.

There are about a million stars that are visible with man made telescopes in the night sky. You need good telescopes yes.

The stars are the only, and I repeat, the ONLY, source of light. Everything else is reflected light, even the dots in your dark eyes.

The closest star is the sun and it is worshiped by a lot of people for being the only true source of light.

The next closest star is about 4 light years away (human time)

The rest of the stars are virtually unknown and nobody really knows whether there is anything along the lines of life that is thriving on the edges of even the known galaxies. (about 250 million of them, if I might give or take a few)

There is virtually no contact with anybody or anything that claims to be alien or even lunar or even a car ever. Nobody has proof of anything of the sort.

Does it not blow your mind that nobody has bothered to make contact with you, you who live a life that is seen ant-like from even the smallest skyscrapers ? But if your name begins with a letter and if you work hard and if you come home everyday in your white car, tired of the entire thing and knowing that tomorrow is going to be very much like today, if the morning soothsayer in you predicts a dreary and dull day spent doing things for other people that you may not even know that well .. how many of us would go on wondering about things like stars and skyscrapers and even psyche ? Think about it.

The truth is, the stars shine bright and they do so even during the day. The sun is one of the smallest stars. There are far greater truths hidden behind the veil of light that blinds you even if you try to look for even a second without the strongest of shades.

Think about it a little, I think I need to go have lunch (and where ! )

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